Hach BioTector B7000i TOC Analyzer

Hach BioTector B7000i TOC Analyzer
Organic contamination in water can cause significant issues requiring water managers to act quickly.

How do you ensure that you are avoiding compliance fines, maintaining final product quality and monitoring product loss? How do you currently address faulty equipment, or water reuse streams in industrial and municipal applications?

There are critical areas throughout the process where measuring TOC online is vital:
• Measuring Influent water to know how to best pretreat your sample
• Measuring process water to control product quality and to protect critical equipment
• Measuring re-use streams to save money on water polishing costs
• Measuring effluent water
All these tests are vital to maintain compliance with local, state, and national regulations.

Are you seeing the complete organics picture of your entire process, or relying on intermittent data to identify changes in organics levels through lab analysis?

Lab analysis is a great tool for reporting TOC and with online analysis issues can be caught 20x to 1000x faster than with lab techniques.

The more complete the picture, the more efficient the operation. This saves plants on both operational and compliance related costs. Total Organic Carbon analysis delivers actionable insights for pristine water quality.

Do you spend an excessive amount of time on maintenance schedules and related maintenance costs?

A unique self-cleaning oxidation technology enables the B7000i analyzer to easily handle difficult samples and significantly reduce the maintenance schedule and costs associated with traditional on-line measurement.

The B7000i also comes with a built in self-cleaning sample line and reactor. This enables the B7000i to deliver trustworthy results even if your water contains high levels of fats, oils, greases, sludge and particulates or has pH swings.

Do you worry about cost of ownership for monitoring TOC?

Costing only pennies, installing a B7000i provides cost savings through optimizing processes by decreasing chemical dosing, waste reduction, reducing samples processes and lowering overall plant operation costs.

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