UVAS plus sc Sensor

UVAS plus sc Sensor
Hach's UVAS plus sc digital UV probe is designed for the reagent-free determination of the organic load via the spectral absorption coefficient (SAC) in the medium or in the bypass. Reliable measurement values are immediately available due to the direct UV measurement. The low maintenance sensor is self-cleaning and with its stainless steel housing even applicable in difficult environmental conditions.

The UVAS plus sc probe covers a broad spectrum of applications, including: protection of treatment plants from industrial dischargers, monitoring shock loads from internal plant processes, control of activated sludge processes, control methanol feed in BNR based on organic loading, final effluent monitoring and monitoring efficiency of UV disinfection processes.

The sensor can be connected to all SC controllers thus providing versatile output options including 4-20 mA Output, Modbus RS485, Profibus, or HART.

This instrument connects to Claros, Hach’s innovative Water Intelligence System, enabling you to seamlessly connect and manage instruments, data, and process – anywhere, anytime. The result is greater confidence in your data and improved efficiency in your operations. To unlock the full potential of Claros, insist on Claros Enabled instruments.

Required Accessories

Optional Accessories