Kit: Dual-channel Orbisphere 510 controller, 2x K1100 LDO sensors (0-2000 ppb), 2x ¼" flow chamber, panel mount

Product #: DGK510KK-P-IMP
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The first maintenance-free optical oxygen sensor for power plants.

Pre-configured Kit containing dual-channel Orbisphere controller 510KK0/P1C00000, 2x high accuracy Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen sensors K1100-S00, 2x 10 m sensor cable, and 2x ¼" flow chamber. Specially designed for power plants (non-nuclear).

The Orbisphere K1100 optical sensor together with the Orbisphere controller offers a new way of monitoring oxygen in power plants. Orbisphere sensors set the industry standards for oxygen measurement by offering peace of mind to every water chemist.

  • One calibration per year
  • No membranes = two minutes of maintenance
  • Low cost retrofit
  • A new level of confidence