Hardness (Calcium & Total Sequential) LR Reagent Set, Digital Titrator

Product #: 2448600
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For sequential determination of Calcium and Total Hardness by EDTA Digital Titrator titration. Hach method 8329. Range: 10-160 mg/L CaCO3. Set contains Buffer Solution (Hardness 1), CalVer 2 Calcium Indicator Powder Pillows, ManVer 2 Hardness Indicator Powder Pillows, Potassium Hydroxide Solution (8 N), Sulfuric Acid (5.25 N) and 0.0800 M EDTA Digital Titrator Cartridge. Approximately 40-100 tests.

  • Accurate results - when and where you need them
  • Fast and Flexible
  • Versatile
  • Economical

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