Chromium, total, Reagent Set, PP, 0.01-0.70 mg/L Cr

Chromium, total, Reagent Set, PP, 0.01-0.70 mg/L Cr
Product #: 2242500
Unit Price Contact Hach
Ships within 3 days


Description: Total Chromium Reagent Set
Instrument: See Methods/Procedures for instruments compatible with this product
Method: 8024
  Alkaline Hypobromite Oxidation
Number of tests: 100
Parameter: Chromium, total
Platform: Powder Pillows
Range: 0.01 - 0.70 mg/L Cr
Reference method: SM 3500-Cr D
Special Remarks: Set contains: 5.25N H2SO4 100 mL MDB, (244932), ChromaVer 3 Powder Pillows (1206699), Chrom 1 Powder Pillows (204399), Chrom 2 Powder Pillows (204499)
Storage conditions: 10 °C to 25 °C